About me

Kevin S Leavitt, MS

Fitness and wellness have been a life-long passion and way of life for me. My entire adult life has centered around and depended on sustaining an optimal level of personal health and fitness.

I joined the military at the age of 18 ultimately becoming an U.S. Army Ranger, a special operations officer, combatives instructor, and a tactics instruction at Office Candidate School (OCS).

In between all that I was a record setting colliegete polevaulter, endurance athlete, championship Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt, and an alpine mountaineer.

We can make out lives appear near perfect on social media and the internet! So all this aside, it was not without ups and downs, injuries, setbacks, and failures along the way.

However, my personal motto is “never quit” and it has helped me get to this point in my life!

Also along the way, I learned a great deal about what it takes to prevail and overcome extreme challenges and adversity. My “Never Quit” mentality carried me far, but it took more than that to realize sustainable health and wellness for myself.

After retiring from an incredible high paced and diverse military career that consisted of training newly commissioned officers, conducting special operations in Afghanistan, to training peacekeepers in Africa to eradicate land mines, I took some much needed time off to figure out the next steps in my journey. I took inventory of my experiences and sought to find a new purpose and passion that capitalized on my unique life experiences as a Soldier and a life long “professional” tactical athlete.

I am excited to be able to offer my expertise and talents to help others unlock and realize their optimal performance potential.

Why Should You Take My Advice?

I have a proven, holistic, scientifically proven, and evidence based approach to helping others unlock their potential and acheive optimal performance. There are no shortcuts to success or no “one size fits all” restrictive diets or exercise plans. Everyone is unique, different, and has the potential withn them to realize their goals. I have successfully worked with hundreds of individuals over the years helping them to acheive the “balance” necessary to have sustainable and lasting results.